FaxPress WebHelp: Admin Guide > Cover Pages

Creating Cover Pages

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The FaxPress can attach a corporate or personal, default or customized cover page as the first page to an outgoing fax. Typically, a cover page contains recipient and sender information. A cover page can also include additional text, graphics, and substitution variables.

Typical substitution variables might include the recipient's name and fax number, your return voice number and fax number, the date and time, and a brief message. The variable information corresponds to the Send Fax interface information fields.

Word-based vs. PCL Based Cover Pages

Selecting Microsoft Word or PCL Format during the FaxPress client installation will determine the editing application and associated character sets used to create your fax cover pages.

Selecting Microsoft Word installs Microsoft Word as the cover page editor. Microsoft Word versions 2000 and later are supported. these versions of Microsoft Word support all international characters (including English characters) in the templates and content of your fax cover and message body pages. Using Microsoft Word to create cover pages is the recommended option.

IMPORTANT! Microsoft Word is the Default selection for the Cover Page Editor. Castelle recommends that you use this widely-accepted and powerful word processing tool to create and maintain new cover pages, for personal and company use.   Keep in mind that you cannot edit legacy FaxPress cover pages or create new cover pages with the .cce filename extension using Microsoft Word. Also, you MUST use the Faxpress Word templates, or install and use the FaxPress Cover Page Macro to create your own cover pages in Microsoft Word.

Selecting PCL Format installs the Castelle Cover Page Editor as the fax cover page editor. The Castelle Cover Page Editor supports English characters only in the templates and content of your fax cover pages. The PCL Format option is provided primarily for existing users whose .cce cover pages have been created using the Castelle Cover Page Editor.

Reinstalling the FaxPress client will allow you to change the editing application to the Castelle Cover Page Editor for .cce documents.

UPGRADE CUSTOMERS: Selecting Microsoft Word when upgrading to FaxPress 9.x from any earlier version of FaxPress means all existing fax cover page templates created using the old PCL based Castelle Cover Page Editor can still be used, but they will no longer be editable using Microsoft Word. New fax cover page templates should be created and edited using Microsoft Word.

If you want to edit and use a legacy .cce cover page file, you must REINSTALL the FaxPress client software and select PCL format for your cover pages in the Cover Page Format screen. Keep in mind that if you make this choice, you will not be able to create or maintain cover pages using Microsoft Word.

To determine whether an installed FaxPress client supports Microsoft Word or PCL Format, select the Cover Page Templates folder in FaxPress. If the cover page templates provided have .doc extensions, (shown below) Microsoft Word was selected during the client setup, and is the editing application. If the cover page templates provided have .cce extensions, PCL Format was selected during the client setup, and the Castelle Cover Page Editor is the editing application..

Cover Page Templates

The most convenient, reliable way to create a new, customized cover page is to use or modify an existing template. Castelle strongly recommends that you use the provided Cover Page Templates to create your personal and company Cover Pages. Three Cover Page Templates – Generic, Urgent and Confidentialare provided for creating custom cover pages. The sample templates provide the fax keyword fields required for cover pages used with FaxPress.

Depending on which option was selected during the FaxPress client installation, the Cover Page Templates folder will include either Microsoft Word-based Templates – .doc files created using Microsoft WordPad, OR Castelle Cover Page Editor Templates – .cce files created using the PCL-based Castelle Cover Page Editor. Microsoft Word-based templates, in addition to supporting English, also support the use of international characters on your cover pages. WordPad cover page templates may also be modified using Microsoft Word. Castelle Cover Page Editor Templates support English-only cover pages.

Personal and Corporate Cover Pages

There are two types of cover pages for FaxPress users:

Corporate Cover Page — The Corporate cover page is used by default for faxes of users who haven’t created personal cover pages, and also remains an option for users who have created personal cover pages. There is only a single Corporate cover page for all FaxPress users. If you are a FaxPress Supervisor, or user with supervisor privileges, you can create a Corporate cover page and publish it for your users. See Publishing a Default Corporate Cover Page for information.

Optional Cover Page Optional cover pages can be created and used by individual users. You can create up to eight Optional cover pages and choose between them at the time you send a fax. All Optional cover pages created and published from the Supervisor account automatically become available to all users.

International (Non-English) Character Support

Selecting the default Microsoft Word editor rather than the Castelle Cover Page Editor as the editing application during the client installation will provide international character support for fax cover pages. This means that FaxPress users can create and send fax cover pages with international characters, as well as send email with international characters in the email message body to both fax and email recipients.

For the FaxPress to support the use of international characters on fax cover pages, fax cover page templates must be created and saved using either Microsoft WordPad or Microsoft Word. Microsoft WordPad supports international characters (including English characters) in the templates and content of your fax cover and message body pages.


FaxPress WebHelp
Last Updated: 9/12/2007

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